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Teradata Sql Assistant (TSA)

Teradata SQL Assistant (TSA), as part of Teradata Tools and Utilities (TTU), is an ODBC-based client utility used to access and manipulate data on ODBC-compliant database servers. It has two editions:
1) Teradata SQL Assistant for Microsoft Windows
2) Teradata SQL Assistant/Web Edition

Teradata SQL Assistant is an information discovery tool designed for Windows XP and Windows 2000. Teradata SQL Assistant retrieves data from any ODBC-compliant database server. The data can then be manipulated and stored on the desktop PC.

Teradata SQL Assistant/Web Edition is a web-based query tool that allows you to compose queries, submit them to the Teradata Database, and then view the results in a web browser.

Teradata SQL Assistant for Microsoft Windows, originally called "Queryman" (before V. 6.0)or "QueryMan" (V. 6.0 and up), is also known as "SQLA" among programmers. It supports import / export tasks, but not the serious ones. With its user-friendly GUI, TSA for Windows is generally oriented to business users and casual data consumers. (Refer to BTEQ for comparison.) TSA / Web Edition has fewer functions than TSA for Windows. The key features of each are presented below.

The key features of Teradata SQL Assistant are:
    * Send queries to any ODBC database or the same query to many different databases;
    * Export data from the database to a file on a PC;
    * Create reports from any RDBMS that provides an ODBC interface;
    * Import data from a PC file directly to the database;
    * Use an import file to create many similar reports (query results or Answersets). For example, display the DDL (SQL) that was used to create a list of tables;
    * Create a historical record of the submitted SQL with timings and status information such as success or failure;
    * Use SQL syntax examples to tailor statements;
    * Use the Database Explorer Tree to easily view database objects;
    * Use a procedure builder that provides a list of valid statements for building the logic of a stored procedure;
    * Limit data returned to prevent runaway queries.

The key features of SQL Assistant / Web Edition are:
    * Send queries to any Teradata Database;
    * View and sort the results by column and save them to a file;
    * Save queries to a file so you can run them automatically from the same file in the future;
    * Load queries from a file and make changes before submitting them to the database;
    * View historical records of the queries you have submitted with timings and status information. You can sort the history rows by column, update them with your notes, and save the records to a file;
    * View a hierarchical listing of databases with object names to reduce the time required to create SQL statements;
    * Use the browser’s built-in find features to do a string search on a query, an answer set, or any information in the historical table visible in the browser window;
    * Abort a query in progress if you change your mind about running a query or if a query is taking longer than you expected;
    * Client browser’s connection ends after 30 minutes of inactivity.


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