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  • In parallel we have Dataset which acts as the intermediate data storage in the linked list, it is the best storage option it stores the data in datastage internal format.
  • In parallel we can choose to display OSH , which gives information about the how job works.
  • In Parallel Transformer there is no reference link possibility, in server stage reference could be given to transformer. Parallel stage can use both basic and parallel oriented functions.
  • Datastage server executed by datastage server environment but parallel executed under control of datastage runtime environment
  • Datastage compiled in to BASIC(interpreted pseudo code) and Parallel compiled to OSH(Orchestrate Scripting Language).

  • Debugging and Testing Stages are available only in the Parallel Extender.
  • More Processing stages are not included in Server example, Join, CDC, Lookup etc…..
  • In File stages, Hash file available only in Server and Complex flat file , dataset , lookup file set avail in parallel only.
  • Server Transformer supports basic transforms only, but in parallel both basic and parallel transforms.

  • Server transformer is basic language compatibility, parallel transformer is c++ language compatibility
  • Look up of sequential file is possible in parallel jobs
  • In parallel we can specify more file paths to fetch data from using file  pattern similar to Folder stage in Server, while in server we can specify one file name in one O/P link.
  • We can simultaneously give input as well as output link to a seq. file stage in Server. But an output link in parallel means a reject link, that is a link that collects records that fail to load into the sequential file for some reasons.
  • The difference is file size Restriction.Sequential file size in server is : 2GB Sequential file size in parallel is : No Limitation..
  • Parallel sequential file has filter options too. Where you can specify the file pattern.


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